We’re here to help!
La Casa de Don Pedro’s centers are now open! Some have limited capacity. All provide social distancing and health & safety measures in place. Some programs continue to be offered remotely.
La Casa de Don Pedro Programs & Services Updates
Now enrolling for all Early Childhood Education programs: preschool, Head Start, Early Head Start, and Prenatal Support. Programs are all virtual with very limited in-person classrooms. E-mail earlychildhoodeducation@lacasanwk.org to enroll.
Family and domestic violence counseling services, emergency assistance services, community health, and HIV/AIDS services continue virtually and through Facebook Live: (Facebook.com/LaCasaFamilySuccessCenters). Call us at 973-483-2703 or 973-624-4222, email Health services: health@lacasanwk.org.
Now enrolling for summer camp for school age children! Contact us to register: 973-483-2703, 973-624-4222 or youth&families@lacasanwk.org.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance season is up and running! Our 317 Roseville Avenue center is open daily. Masks, on-site temperature checks & health questionnaire required to enter. Submit LIHEAP and USF applications, emergency requests and all supporting documents to: energyasst@lacasanwk.org, drop off in our drop box on site, mail to La Casa de Don Pedro/LIHEAP, P.O. Box 7118, Newark, NJ 07107, fax to 973-485-9984, or visit a customer service representative in person. Email inquires and questions to energyasst@lacasanwk.org.
All adult education, LEAD Charter School, citizenship and English as a Second Language classes continue to be offered online only. Immigration legal services are provided in person by appointment only. Contact us at 973-481-4568, careerservices@lacasanwk.org or immigration@lacasanwk.org to learn more or to make an appointment.
Housing counseling (foreclosure prevention and first time homebuyer counseling) is available by telephone and email. Email Dante Lara (dlara@lacasanwk.org) or Dorothy Rivers (drivers@lacasanwk.org). HUD-Certified First Time Homebuyer Education workshops are available online at www.ehomeamerica.org/lacasa. Rental Housing Assistance: housingassistance@lacasanwk.org.
All Weatherization and Lead Abatement clients can submit program applications, supporting documents and questions to: wxleadasst@lacasanwk.org.
Please stay tuned to our website and social media accounts for all the latest news and updates on the coronavirus and how it affects our centers and services.